Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Celebrations

December 18th
Transfers are tomorrow and we don't have to go!!! We get to stay together another transfer :] We didn't think it would happen but it seems like President is keeping people together for a lot longer. Thank goodness too. We have a lot of work to do here.

We had our ward Christmas party on Saturday and it was so much fun!!! There were so many people there and it was a good night. This one couple in the ward hasn't been to church in over 10 years for whatever reason and we meet with them every now and then. We went over to visit M a few days ago and invited her to the party and her and P came!!! It was so cool! They got to meet a lot of new people so hopefully they'll want to start coming back to church as well. I would imagine it would be pretty scary to start going back to church after you hadn't gone in a long time but they seem ready and excited.

Yesterday after district meeting we got together with the other sisters in the ward and K and we went caroling. It was awesome! We went to a few members homes and then we went to a rest home and sang to a bunch of the people there. Man, we sounded so good.. I'm trying to talk them into doing a musical number in sacrament. This Sunday is our Christmas program at church and we're all in choir so I guess that's like the same. I'm really excited for that! I just love singing and I love choir and I'm so glad that it's working out that I can be in choir.

Last week we were invited along with other missionaries to a Christmas party at the Lorenzo Snow home. The couple who owns it are not members but they love history and they restored the home. So they gave us a tour and we ate and got to mingle. It was really fun :] All of these things are adding to the Christmas spirit and making the holidays perfect :]

 And of course being in Kirtland for the holidays is amazing.. I had been praying for a miracle to happen at sites and when we were there last week we met a woman named D. She was so sweet and as we took her on tour she said, "I knew right when I walked inside that I was standing on holy ground!" Before she knew anything that had happened there!! We gave her a full tour and she just loved it! She had so much faith and just knew that the sacred events that happened there really did occur. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she gave us her number and said we could call whenever :]

I hope you had a great week! Love you,

Sister Maynard.

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