Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It is really weird emailing on Wed. It makes me feel like it's Mon and my week is all messed up. I got the package with the skirt (So cute btw) and the letters. Thank you so much :] Except. I'm fat so I don't fit in it. But I'm sure it will look really cute on Sis S :] And it's good to know you miss me! WHO KNEW?! :P Just kidding. I know you do. Sister L said it was cool if you put pictures on the blog. And as for tours.. I'm just trying to remember everything I've ever studied! Our Kirtland guides are about as big as a Preach My Gospel and it's SO MUCH information. I can't even remember anything but that's why we have companions and I love mine. She's the best.

So updates. A. didn't get baptized. I'm not sure why but I'm so sad :[ She was so excited and then it never happened. I just keep praying for her because I don't know how else to help her since I'm not in Kirtland anymore but I know Heavenly Father can and I trust Him. Our two investigators are progressing. Slowly but still progressing. They're both making connections and it's so cool to see them learning through the Holy Ghost. It's the most amazing thing to see the Holy Ghost working with these people. I love it.

Ever since I got to Twinsburg I've wanted to tract this street--Waldo Way. It's pretty long and we track it a lot because we've never finished. I just really felt like there's somebody on that street who needs the gospel and is ready to hear it. So on Sunday I had been praying to know who we needed to find and I felt like there was a man we were going to meet who we needed to talk to. Sister L felt like he was probably going through some humbling times right now and we decided to call him Joe. So we had one of the YW come tracting with us and we picked this street a member lived on and we got to the end and there was a street that went off of this one and I looked at the sign and guess what street it was!!!! WALDO WAY! So I decided we should just go down that when we got to it. We knocked on quite a few doors and nobody answered so we were going to knock on one last door on that side and turn around on the other side. I looked across the street and saw this house and I don't know if it was the wind thing on top of the house that I liked so much or what but I pointed to it and said "That's it!" We did our last door on that side and headed over to that house. There we met, not Joe, but C.. We don't know a lot about him because he was on his way out but he said that he grew up with religion but he just was unsure now. Well perfect. We have exactly what he needs! So we gave him a Book of Mormon and told him we'd call him in a few days.. Not a lot has happened since then. We're still trying to get in touch with him but it was so cool! We knew we were going to meet "Joe" That day and we felt really strongly that C. was Joe. Even if he doesn't accept it now I know that we needed to see him that day.

Then later that night we were finishing up for the day and at our last house of the night it started POURING. The sweet Hindu lady asked if we wanted to come inside and we probably should have said yes but we needed to get K. home so we thanked her and went on our way in the rain. As soon as we turned around it started hailing so bad so we ran for the car. In the middle of our run it got even harder. I thought I was going to be all scratched up! Oh my gosh it was the worst hail storm I've ever been in. Which isn't saying a lot but I promise it was really bad. And of course, as soon as we got in the car it stopped. But we were soaked. It looked like we just got out of the pool in our clothes. Ew. So uncomfortable. But it was really fun :] We took pictures so don't worry. You'll see them soon enough.

One last thing. I told you about how the church bought the Joseph Smith home?? Well every Tuesday we have a sites training meeting and yesterday we had ours in the JOSEPH SMITH HOME! It was so cool. We talked about all of the special things that happened in there and the Smith family and it was so neat. The spirit was so strong. And to end the meeting I got to sing the musical number with 5 other sisters and we sang Joseph Smith's First Prayer. It was so cool. I can't even explain it. The spirit was amazing. Just talking about the restoration and everything this family went through to make it happen and to be in their home. Ahhh. I can't wait to come back years from now to see what they do with it. I don't know how I got so lucky to be here when all of this is happening. I just feel so blessed. Just being here makes me think how could this not be true? It's incredible and the gospel truly does bless lives. I love it.

Joseph Smith Home
Love you guys,
Sister Maynard.

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