Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter

Hey sorry. It's transfers this week and Sister S is leaving today. Sister C is gone too :[ I really liked them so I've been crying all morning. We've been doing stuff with that all morning. It's going to be tight today. Not a lot of time! But things are really well. Ummmmm, We had a baptism on Saturday!!!!!!! It went really well. We were really stressing out about it but it turned out just fine and P is officially a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints.
Oh, so it was really cool because we got to have an easter thing in the Kirtland Temple yesterday! It was actually really awesome. Not what I would have expected though because it was with Community of Christ. They're so nice! They fed us breakfast afterwards. We got to sit with one of their lady apostles. We were asking her some questions because we aren't familiar with their beliefs really.
For some reason I wrote down to have you read D&C 76:22.. I'm not really sure way. I think it's Joseph and Sidney bearing witness that Christ lives. It's a great scripture and perfect for Easter season :] And I also know that to be true. Christ does live and it's so cool to be in such a sacred place for that.
This morning we had a combined district meeting with our zone (So it probably should have just been zone development meeting but it wasn't) and it was so cool. We had the 4 people in our zone going home give workshops about purpose and then they told us we were going somewhere and to bring a hymn book. I thought we were just going to the school of the prophets but we walked past the store. Then I thought we were going to a field behind the sawmill and we walked past that. We walked up to the temple and we got special permission to go inside from their VC Director and we sang some hymns and it was really cool. Wow. I love the temple. SOOOOO much. Just watch.. They'll announce a new Kirtland Temple in Oct ;]
Man, I don't know what else is going on.. Just a lot of stress. I'm ready for bed already but we're going to South Euclid tonight with Sister C (Isle of Mann) because her companion left today so we're in a tripple-up for the next few days. So Euclid is ghetto apparently. I've never been there but I'm excited!
I love youuuuu and miss you.
Sister Maynard
Ps. We get to skype next month already?! WHAT??? ANDDDDD I only have a year left. Weird stuff. Oh and I guess Bear's mom is already planning stuff for his homecoming so I need to be home for that. It will be next July or something :/ Hahaha It's forever away but I guess we can start planning now??

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