Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I love Visitor's!!!!

Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Reed

This weekend was so amazing. We had 3 gators at church which that alone was huge. We hardly ever have them at church..And we had 2 less actives who never come to church there..  but on top of that Uncle Reed and Aunt Sylvia were there!!!!! It was so much fun! As we were planning Sat night we got a call from a random Utah number and Sis Popp answered it and he asked for me.. Then he said it was Uncle Reed and that he was in Kirtland but I wasn't there so they gave him my number. I asked where he was going to church the next day and he said probably the stake center but they were staying in Solon and I FREAKED OUT!!! THAT'S MY WARD! So I gave them the address and they were there :] It was so awesome to see them. I hope they had a good time in Kirtland. It is the best place in the world...

So, I've been talking to H lately about what you have to do to be a successful missionary. One of the things she said was to invite everybody to be baptized. Sis P and I were thinking a lot about that and the next morning in studies the thought came to me to text this guy, S, who we met at the library but we've never taught him before and invite him to be baptized. I ran the idea past Sis Popp and we both got really excited and typed something up. Then we got nervous and deleted it.. Then I realized that we needed to just be courageous and text him. So we did. We knew Heavenly Father was going to bless us for our efforts. The text went something like "We've been thinking and praying a lot about this and we feel like we need to teach you about the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you come to know what we teach you is true will you be baptized by someone who holds the priesthood authority of God?" He didn't reply... Until a few hours later we got out of an appt and we had a text from him. It said,"I mean, I don't see why not.." SERIOUSLY! Who would have thought to just invite people to be baptized over text? I mean, it's definitely not the best way to do it but shoot.. it worked. Now, we're just trying to find a time to meet with him. Things are super busy with us and he's super busy all the time so we're trying!!!!!!!!!!! (Thank you H for the advice :] You're the best!)

Transfers are next week and I think there's a good chance I could be leaving Twinsburg. My guess is Ravenna or Mayfield next. We'll have to see!! Or maybe I'll go to Conneaut with Sister S:] That would be awesome. But probably won't happen.

I feel like a lot happened this past week but I forgot my journal so I don't remember. I don't even know. But it just shows how important a journal is! Seriously I can't remember anything without it. And so many incredible things happen here so I need to remember them!

This past week I've been reading the last few chapters of Alma. Honestly, I remember nothing from reading the scriptures before my mission and the more I read it now the more I fall in love with it! Those last few wars in Alma are incredible! Captain Moroni, Helaman and his army of 2,000, Teancum, Lehi.... ALL OF THEM! THEY'RE SO COOL! And their strategies are so awesome. I even drew out one of the wars in my journal. It was so cool! It was Alma 58. GO READ IT!!!!!! Those men had so much faith and relied on the Lord completely. And because of that not one of them died. They were such a small army compared to the Lamanite army and they totally won. The more I read the Book of Mormon the more I know it's the word of God. Why people don't listen to me when I tell them that.. I don't know. But the stronger my testimony is of the Book of Mormon the more the spirit can bear witness of that through me to others. The Book of Mormon being true changes everything. It makes me want to live my life so that I can one day return to Heavenly Father and be with my family forever. I am learning so much out here that I never thought was possible. And there's only more to learn from here!! Life is one huge learning process. We just need to continue to learn and grow in the gospel. Then we'll experience true happiness. I'm definitely happier then I ever have been in my life. Like I said, a testimony of this is what brings never ending happiness. Mosiah 2:41 is a scripture I read this morning and it's so true.. It says, "And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." Who doesn't want that?! This is the only way. 2 Nephi 31:21.. Amazing. This is it. We have to follow Christ. I love the Book of Mormon and all that it teaches. Oh my gosh. 1 more scripture. 2 Nephi 33:10-11. The Book of Mormon is so true.

I love you all so much! Pray for missionary opportunities and share the gospel with others :] It's amazing.

Sister Maynard

Ps. I'm sick.

Pps. Tomorrow Elder Perkins from the 70 is coming to our mission. He's going to talk to us about missionary work and it's going to be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. I'm going to learn so much and have so much to apply into missionary work. I'm stoked. And we get to go to Cleveland for it which is even more fun.

Elder L made us balloon animals. I have a pink elephant and the other one is a monkey in a palm tree except I didn't realize until after the picture that the monkey fell apart :/ So now it looks funny.

The K are leaving in two weeks :[

The seniors leaving this next transfer.

And sometimes people like to steal my camera and take pictures. Sister L, Sister R and Sister E.

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